Out of the hundred plus American whiskies on our back bar here are some of our favourites that wont bankrupt you on your next trip to the Lex.
Lex On Tour: The Buffalo Trace Distillery, Frankfort, Kentucky
There is no better way to start an early inter-continental journey than with a Wetherspoon’s airport breakfast. We were heading to Frankfort and Lexington, Kentucky to visit The Buffalo Trace Distillery. The motley crew of near on 30 made up of Bar Managers, Cocktail Competition Winners, Journalists and representatives from the hosts High Spirits had […]
My Lovely Horse
A lot of people often ask “Why have you got a picture of a big blue horse behind the bar?” The answer to that question is twofold and actually goes some way towards answering another popular question we regularly field – Why is The Lexington called The Lexington? As is often the case with a […]
The Lexington Boilermaker: Goose Island IPA & Tincup Bourbon
You know what’s great about beer and bourbon? Well actually that’s a pretty dumb question because there are LOTS of great things about beer and bourbon, which we plan on telling you all about on this blog in the coming months. The answer to the original question (“what’s great about beer and bourbon” for those […]