SXSW Day 1

Day one at SXSW went a little something like this: we all got extremely drunk and saw zero bands. 


The delivery betrays a deeper truth that exists at SXSW 2014, that it’s ludicrously busy. Last year by about Thursday it was getting hard to get in anywhere and by Saturday night, once spring break and St. Patrick’s day we’re in their brutal full force, it was impossible. Last night was Tuesday and it looked like a Saturday. All we did was queue. We queue’d to get nowhere. We *almost* saw Jungle twice, which means we actually saw him no times. We got annoyed. We went to crappy bars, of which there are many, and we got smashed.

In fairness, there is less happening on a Tuesday so the concentration is higher. Hopefully tonight yields better results. We’re not holding our breath through. Someone who was ‘in the know’ mentioned that SXSW is twice as busy as last year. Last year that amount of busy was half a million people busy.

That’s all you need to know about that.

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