We’ll stop short of calling it a party because it could go horribly wrong. Instead we’ll call it what it is, an opportunity to stay up all night tensely drinking whiskey whilst the nation makes the most important decision it’s faced for generations. Fear and loathing in Brexvegas.
It was so obvious a few months ago, of course the UK wouldn’t leave the EU, why would we throw away all that influence and economic opportunity on a punt at nationalism? Yet here we are considering the very real implications of Brexit in less than a month, thanks to the incompetence of the Remain campaign and the dishonesty of the Leave movement.
Not content with workers rights, decades of peace and prosperity, 3.1 million jobs linked to UK exports to the EU, the massive influence we have in a huge economic power block, millions of cheap ‘local’ holidays and becoming home to millions of ‘expats’ (aka British immigrants), some have decided we’d be better off out and very much on our own.
These are potentially the last days of Britain as we know it because a very small group of people with compromised interests and an enormous amount of social, economic and political privilege have whipped up loathing towards the EU, fear and hatred of thy neighbour and pitting young against old to sell the country what is nothing more than a mystery box. And if that is not a reason to drink, then I don’t know what is.
Join us on the 23rd July for two floors of political coverage as the votes are counted and our fate is decided. We’ll be showing the results as the polls close at 10pm, all the way through the night and into the next day, serving beers, bourbons, breakfast and hopefully no Brexit.
bookings@thelexington.co.uk to reserve a table from 10pm