Independence Day At The Lexington


Fuck yeah!

We’re throwing one hell of a party this year at The Lexington to celebrate the 239th year of American freedom. That means drowning you in cheap beer, stuffing you with hot dogs, deafening you with loud music, DJs groping you with 1980s power ballads and a shit load of red, white and blue denim.

Adam J Harmer of The Fat White Family is going to be kicking things off with his One Man Destruction Show in the downstairs bar, followed by a deafening upstairs from psychedelic hillbillies Ten Benson and some power rock from Bad Guys, who famously got themselves kicked out of ATP and Butlins for destroying a chalet. Downstairs our denim-clad DJs will be playing the greatest American music ever made, a whole load of The Boss and a ton of 1980s power ballads all the way to 4am.

All powered by cheap cans of PBR and hundreds of hot dogs.

It is going to be BADASS.
