Bob Log III, Thomas Truax
Saturday, May 25, 19:30
adv £20
8pm Thomas Truax 45 mins
9pm Bob Log III
A truly one-of-a-kind act, Bob Long III emerged from the deserts of Tucson in the ’90s equipped with a Southern blues swagger and an outlandish sense of humour. Donning a uniform including a stuntman jumpsuit and a crash helmet wired with a telephone microphone, the enigmatic one-man band juggles slide guitar, percussion and a laundary list of on-stage antics. From serenading spectators on his knee, crowd surfing in a blow-up dinghy or taking his shows to a venue’s restroom, it’s little surprise the eccentric showman has opened for Ani DiFranco and Franz Ferdinand.
"And then there’s this guy named Bob Log, you ever heard of him? He’s this little kid — nobody ever knows how old he is — wears a motorcycle helmet and he has a microphone inside of it and he puts the glass over the front so you can’t see his face, and plays slide guitar. It’s just the loudest strangest stuff you’ve ever heard. You don’t understand one word he’s saying. I like people who glue macaroni on to a piece of cardboard and paint it gold. That’s what I aspire to basically” Tom Waits
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